Open Letter to District of Squamish Council

District of Squamish Council
37955 Second Avenue
P.O. Box 310
Squamish, B.C. V8B 0A3

May 30, 2024

Open Letter, sent via email:

Dear Council members,

I am reaching out to you on behalf of our members at the Progressive Contractors Association of Canada (PCA), who employ thousands of workers that proudly build vital infrastructure, from highways and hospitals to energy projects in regions across Canada.

These workers include men and women, who are husbands, wives and parents; people who care deeply for their families and communities, in which they live and build.

I want to thank you for reconsidering a previous decision not to issue a temporary use permit (TUP) for the floating hotel ("floatel") which Woodfibre LNG put forward following consultations with all parties, including members of the local community.

It’s my understanding that a rigorous approvals process has taken place, and that the floatel mitigates local concerns about the construction workforce. As a workforce accommodation, the floatel was intentionally designed to create physical separation between workers and local residents.

PCA wants to assure Council that any reservations about the construction workforce are unwarranted. You should know that our member companies exemplify the highest standards of safety, respect, collaboration, and integrity in all of the work they perform. These policies are put into practice through a series of programs which include cultural awareness, drug and alcohol testing, respectful workplaces and others.

Our construction firms take very seriously their responsibility and mandate to ensure that workplaces are safe for their skilled trades workforce, with safety encompassing both physical well-being and mental health. PCA member companies have successfully demonstrated their commitment to providing safe work environments, and that extends to local communities where they build their projects.

Simply put, PCA member firms and their workers, including those at the Woodfibre LNG project, understand their obligation to conduct themselves in a manner beyond scrutiny when working in local communities.

Finally, I have the privilege of sitting as a Board member of BuildForce Canada, a national organization which provides valuable workforce data and training supports for the entire industry. These supports include BuildForce Canada’s Working in a Respectful and Inclusive Workplace toolkit, which makes the underlying commitment that construction in Canada will not be a refuge for disrespectful and intolerant behaviour.

Please consider with care and attention the request that PCA and our members make. We urge Council to approve the TUP -- and in so doing provide an opportunity for the Woodfibre LNG project, including its stakeholders and the District of Squamish, to work together for their mutual benefit.


Paul de Jong
President & CEO,
Progressive Contractors Association of Canada (PCA)